Burial and Cremation Acts around Australia allow for grave sites, where the lease has expired, to be reused. A process called lift and deepen happens where the person’s remains are dug up and put into an ossuary, buried deeper in the grave and then another burial is placed on top. In South Australia we’re working to have this Act changed.

Flinders University Archaeology Students Recording Headstone Data

Flinders University Archaeology Students Recording Headstone Data

Shot And Blown Up In WWI Now Aussie Vet Could Be Dug Up And His Grave Reused The Advertiser 6 Mar 2015

The Advertiser 5 Mar 2015

The Advertiser 5 Mar 2015

“I am thrilled to be able to officially announce that the lease for Alfred Durbin’s Niche at Centennial Park has been officially renewed for a further 30yrs by a personal payment from the Hon. Andrew McLachlan MLC. (see page 11 of The Advertiser today)
It is a small start but it is a start with a sitting member acknowledging how wrong the practice of reuse of graves is.” Deanne H-N.

Messenger 26 Feb 2015

Messenger 26 Feb 2015

Hills and Valley Messenger Article

25 Feb 2015 Hills and Valley Messenger

Triple M radio 24 Feb 2015 Interview with Kirrily Burton Interview starts about 42 minutes into the recording.
Channel Nine News report 23 Feb 2015



Front Page The Advertiser 18 Feb 2015

Our newspaper article has started a flood of media attention and support. Here are links to some of the interviews and articles.

The Advertiser story by Miles Kemp 18 Feb 2015
Here is a response to the newspaper article from the RSL
Kirrily Burton’s interview with Chris Smith from 2GB Sydney 18 Feb 2015
Mornings on Channel 9 18 Feb 2015
Sunrise on Channel 7 18 Feb 2015
Channel 9 News 18 Feb 2015

Kirrily Burton being interviewed by Channel Nine News

Kirrily Burton being interviewed by Channel Nine News


The Advertiser 18 Feb 2015


The Advertiser 18 Feb 2015

Do you know where your ancestors are buried?  Has your loved one’s final resting place been disturbed?  For many years cemetery authorities across Australia have undertaken the practice of removing headstones and memorials and re-using graves on which the lease has expired. Concerned citizens are now coming together to raise awareness about this practice, share their stories and lobby governments for legislation changes.  We encourage everyone to check the Burial and Cremation Bill in your state to see if it allows for the re-use of graves.

2013-03-09 19.08.21

“Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead, and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land, and their loyalty to high deeds.” – William Gladstone